Take a virtual vacation to the caribbean!
Join us for two weeks exploring the islands of St. Croix, St. Thomas and St. John, all in one video!
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Travel Tips
1. backpacker - $120-200
2. comfortable $200-300
3. luxury $400+
We found the best way to get around the USVIs was to hire a car (more specifically a Jeep). The roads are not that great so a car is suggested. We booked through Hertz Rental Car ($80 USD a day). Make sure to book rental cars in advance, otherwise you’re paying $200 a day for one on short notice.
Then to book a tiny commercial plane ride between St. Croix and St. Thomas. There are frequent ‘Cape Air’ flights between islands.
There are also frequent ferry rides (15 minutes long), which we used to get between St. Thomas and St. John. Check the schedules here: https://usvi.net/information/transportation/ferry-schedules/st-thomas-to-st-john-ferry-schedule/
The best time to visit the U.S Virgin Islands is April to June, when you can expect mild weather and very little rainfall. In the USVI's peak season, from December to March, the temperature ranges from the mid-70s to high 80s with breezy evenings.
July to October is the regions hurricane season so avoid then.
Avoid taxi scammers by booking transportation in advance or hiring your own car and getting it delivered to you.
Many of the reported issues that vacationers experience on the islands are petty theft crimes. While this may not place you in physical danger, it can leave you with little money or no passport to get home so keep your valuables near you at all times.
Have Travel Insurance in case of water activity accidents. We use: WorldNomads
Hotels in St Croix: https://www.sleepwithfred.com/
Airbnb in St. John: Grandeur Villa https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/43758296?source_impression_id=p3_1647900266_Ukg4fiDbOMS9s3%2Fo
There are a wide variety of languages spoken in the U.S. Virgin Islands: English is currently the dominant language. English has been the predominant language since 1917, when the islands were transferred from Denmark to the United States. Spanish is spoken by about 17% of the population
The ferry between St Croix and St John! That was our original plan before several expats on the island told us we were crazy! (Rough seas).
AirBnb was the dominant app we used to book accommodation in the USVI’s.
Car rental company: Hertz Rental Cars
Comfortable hiking/walking shoes
Snorkel Gear
Cap or sun hat
Quick dry towels
Trippedtravelgear.com packing cubes
Trippedtravelgear.com backpack
Food in the USVI’s is expensive! You may find that eating out at restaurants isn't in your budget once you see the prices. Making trips to the grocery store will definitely help alleviate some of those costs.

plan your trip to the caribbean
our usvi trip must-haves

The Fred
St Croix