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THAILAND - Tim + Fin Travel
If you’re short on time in Thailand, Krabi can be a perfect hopping off spot. If lowkey is your style, it’s the ideal place to be a beach bum,get massages, and eat street food til you can’t walk anymore. If you you’re looking for a bit more action, there's plenty of hikes nearby or you can snag a boat and head to PhiPhi. Theres also the relatively famous 4 island tour, which we’re doing today along with what feels like 12,000 other tourists.
During the 4 Island tour your guides will speed you away by longboat to Railay Beach, Chicken Island, Tup Island and Poda Island. You’ll be able to snorkel, swim, bask in the sun, explore little caves, and marvel at the sheer number of people who discover they can’t swim after already jumping in the water.
For less than $20 you can have a decent time being part of the masses on this tour. Get ready to “bah” like a sheep as you’re quickly herded from one stop to the next. Not the best tour in the world but you can’t argue with the price.
Thailand Travel Vlog - KOH ROK (One of Best Places to Visit in Thailand!)
One of the best places to visit in Thailand has turned out to be Koh Lanta with a day trip to Koh Rok. While you may want to sit around and enjoy the food and beaches, don't miss the trip to Koh Rok Island for a snorkeling tour.
After a great time on the Koh Rok tour, the Diemers say goodbye to Koh Lanta and to their ant infested apartment. (Yes, the ants were really bad. Allison ate them by mistake in the last episode. No, she doesn’t recommend it.) After saying goodbye to this little slice of Thai life, they take the ferry from Koh Lanta to Ao Nang to wait for the arrival of their friend from back home.
WHAT $12 USD GETS YOU IN THAILAND - Backpacker Hotel Tour
Travel bloggers love to write about incredible accommodations they score at unbelievable prices. Key word?- Unbelievable. Here is what to expect out of a budget backpacker hotel in Ko Lanta Thailand.
This certainly is not a budget hotel review and we by no means are trying to pick on our hotel. In fact, we want to give it up for Lanta House Hotel- The rooms were quiet and clean. No bugs. Super friendly, helpful staff. Would stay there again in a heart beat!
Washing a very dirty baby elephant in Krabi
There is an almost endless amount of things to do in Ao Nang- One of the most popular activities is going on an elephant trek. It’s hard to write this and even get into this description without addressing, well, the elephant in the room: Elephant treks are an activity that are a hotbed of debate.
A short description is not going to change anyone’s mind on whether it's inhumane for tourists to ride elephants. We went as far as emailing The Asian Elephant Foundation to confirm their endorsement of this elephant camp before booking the tour. Additionally, all reviews and background information online pointed to the fact that the elephants were treated ethically by their handlers.
The protection of elephants is an expensive and manpower intensive affair. They require a large amount of land, food, and protection from poachers. While you may disagree with the concept of elephant treks there is justification in that they are a source of income for locals and therefore guaranteed protection for the animals. The real world best case scenario is that the businesses that treat the animals ethically are supported.
Back to the fun part of all of this- washing a baby elephant in a river is probably the most fun anyone can have in their lifetime. I don’t know that there have been fifteen minutes in our lives where we’ve smiled harder. In all the laughing, it’s important to remember not to let the 1,000 lbs baby roll on you.
The day was topped off with a visit to Huay Toh Waterfall in the nearby national park to cool down.
Captain Bob's Booze Cruise | Koh Phi Phi Thailand | Sailing & Snorkeling Tour
Captain Bob's Booze Cruise | Koh Phi Phi Thailand | Sailing & Snorkeling Tour
How do you get the most out of Koh Phi Phi in just one day? Captain Bob’s Sailing Booze Cruise offers sailing, snorkeling, kayaks, reefs, Maya Bay, Monkey beach, Loh Samah Bay, sunset at Wang Long Cove...and maybe an adult beverage or two!
Captain Bob’s Sailing Booze Cruise is a top rated Tripadvisor tour to do in Koh Phi Phi Don. While the tour was a bit more expensive than others available on the island, the reviews speak for themselves.
The staff were incredibly friendly and devoted to making sure that passengers had a great time. We appreciated that the tour sailboat did not drop anchor but rather used permanent moorings so that we didn’t damage any reefs. All the other tourists on the boat at Bob’s Booze Cruise were both friendly and excited for the tour. While the beer and booze flowed on the tour, the party level never got out of control...just awesome amazing people having an awesome amazing time!
Cruise starts with a quick stop in Monkey Beach to feed some monos some frutas. Our stop in Maya Bay, while packed with other boats and tourists, was still relaxing and everything we could have wanted. The sailboat moored far away from the beach and kayaks were available to those who wanted to go ashore. More interesting was the snorkeling in the Bay with plenty of healthy reef to explore and beautiful fishies to take selfies with.
THAILAND TRAVEL VLOG KOH LANTA - Volunteering at Animal Shelter, Caving, and Hotel blackouts
After a few days in Koh Lanta, Thailand, the Diemers find that you can only spend so many days lounging on the perfect beaches before ya get bored. To add a little bit of variety and actually do some good in the world, they decide to volunteer some time at Lanta Animal Welfare by walking a shelter dog for the afternoon. The first dog they attempt to walk is apparently unaware the Lanta Animal Welfare is the #1 TripAdvisor rated thing to do in Koh Lanta and would rather just stay in its kennel. Things only improve slightly from there.
Later, Finney discovers that you should always look at food before shoving it into your gob, especially when your hotel room is filled with ants and you're eating in the dark.
Finally, the Diemers head out to Maikaew cave. If you're unaware from earlier, Finneys favorite things in the world include beaches, hugs and yummy ice cream. Dark, claustrophobic caves filled with spiders are nowhere on that list. (Off camera, Tim lies to Finney and tells her they're going somewhere to pet a fluffy bunny.)
Before she knows it, Finney is crawling on hands and knees through tunnels while Tim has CuChi Tunnel flashbacks. Maikaew Cave is awesome. Seriously, they'll let you do anything you want there. You can fight a bat. Go to Maikaew cave.